this an extra special post in honor of the day my grandmother gave birth to my mother...aka...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!
reasons why,
she has loved me all twenty plus years of my life.
my mama dealt with me as a baby, and lets just say both she and i aren't really baby people. although rumor has it i was pretty chill.
she cared for me even when i ignored her because she left me for Hawaii. Mom you can’t just up and leave and expect things to be the same duh?
she enjoys re-telling the diarrhea/pillow chocolate story, and other equally awkward baby stories.
the fact that she didn’t name me or consider naming me sally.
my mom was brave enough to let me try things myself even when she could have done it a bajillion times better, like painting my room.
her gift for adding color to a room changing a hideous green living room a lovely shade of Pink and the rest of the Farm house wonderful colors. The MacArthur white with hints of apricot. Our house Raspberry when Dad was away, Burgundy when he decided color was ok, and for all the future awesome changes for the walls of this place. The bright blues and teals.
she lets me help her paint. :D Thanksgiving is going to be so much fun!
taught me how to put on make-up.
informed me when I put it on way way too much.
her curly hairstyle that she found in her twenties and never gave up on.
she isn't in love with country music. How else would I have found Queen?
but she has an appreciation for all types of music. Camp-cheer, tone-deaf, lyric-off, and all other genres.

my mom was a patient parent leader for DI and that whole fishy thing.
no one else would have made costumes for the many many events and such i was apart of.
doing laundry, she is awesome at it! i know thats what every mother dreams of hearing their children say. hehehe
doing all my lilac laundry (cause we both know that was a whole other job).
taught me how to do laundry, long before i left home.
reminding me how to make grandma’s lipton rice, even when i called way past her bedtime.
my relief for relief society.
spilling icy cold water on dad and letting me -in her baby bump- have some cred for that awesome prank ;) we both know it was carefully planned.
the softness and hairlessness of her skin.
bbq's like her dad.
bbq-ing in the rain cause we be from washington!
our christmas tradition. she gives me a book every year and
those books are the presents i am most excited to get, even if i don’t show it. |
she comes from dog-town.
she waxes my legs and lets me paint her toenails.
we tried that crazy candle business.
she always encourages me to try.
the craft room chamber.
her patience.
costco trips....and chicken bakes.
she can simultaneously task, like watching knights tale and sewing.
our shared love of heath, (both the actor and candy bar).
my mama can gut and will gut a fish.
if you can’t say something nice...don’t say it.
she took me to piano lessons and listened to lessons and umm music for endless hours.
she is often my inspiration.
my mom knows how to relax and have a good time.
all our vacation memories.
her billion hobbies and interests.
she’d give up chocolate, but she is no quitter.
if i ever need help, she is my go-to person, and she always at least tries to help.
mom you’re funny. Where do you think I get it from?
i just liked this photo sooo much! |
when I am away at school, she sometimes sleeps in my bed. when dad is out of town she lets me sleep in her bed with her and sleeping there feels like the safest place on earth.FLINCH
she loves animals.
i love her morning phrase: “wakin’ upin’ sugar lumpin’.”
that one time she pinned michael and all the other 8th grade trip stuff.
check out our garden, she is an awesome gardener when she wants to be.
DOVE you.
she is silly. |
she is so flippin’ punny! :D
my mom is compassionate: especially with tammy.
this woman is a killer rummy player.
the endless hope she has for the world and her children’s lives in it.
my mama can listen to me for hours and understand my super fast talk (very impressive).
she can make sweet crafty stuff. the aprons, my rug, my favorite mount saint helen's mug.
i love her selflessness.
the fact she likes icky stuff and makes me try it, but then doesn’t make me like it. (the last part is key)
she came and ate “hot lunch” and then never made me eat it again.
she was always involved with my education and didn't let me skip grades and insisted i start school when i did.
class mom and made awesome treats! like nessie the cake.
she styled my hair and we both know it is ridiculously thick. can anyone say afro?
mama loves my drama. ( )
she taught me to read and love it! the big hill
her love of reading, especial historical stuff.
she read to us all of narnia. we sat on the pink couch and she made the adventures seems so real.
i love her for listening to harry potter on cassette (ya we’re that old school) with me, while she fixed up the farm house and i stayed at home sick.
she took me to the doctor countless times.
umm...watching the countless “doctor visit jeannette-ism/spaz attacks". remember the karen info-merical?
she talked me through throat bleeding, school stress, and my first strep experience and not acting scared when she was probably more scared than me.
everything that she lets me “borrow”.
her smile :) |
her laugh.
i love her because of all the support she gives her chillins, especially emotional.
and for all the support she gives me.
i love her eyes, brown just like mine.
our shared love of Mika and Big Girls.
my mom answers late night calls.
she was always there to pick me up from school or to let me stay home.
she teaches us about bible scriptures.
she even made me a queen ester halloween costume because that's who my childhood heroine was.
my mom encouraged me to be creative especially with halloween costumes and helped me become an awesome rhinestone wearing sideburn rocking: elvis, a linen wrapped mummy, an elegant peacock with a full tail, a jewelry saleswoman, a happy clown, miss scarlet from clue, a m&m and i few others.
her HUGS!
she waked up every morning to see us, especially painful seminary mornings.
sandwiches: she makes the best.
in her twenties she joined the church of jesus christ of latter days and raised her family in it.
'cause she reminds me to pray.
i love spending time with her.
she gave me her middle name which happens to rock!
she gave me fun nicknames like loulou. seriously, mom, who else calls me nettielou? well...actually a few people do
her olive skin that doesn’t burn too easily and tans very nicely.

she married a crazy mormon-salesman,
with little idea why or
what the future would hold. |
being the mom everyone else who’s not your kid loves. mr. bergan, mr. gordon, miss cox, miss pacheco, etc.
this woman suffered through childbirth and all the pain before that day even arrives two more times. i couldn't imagine life without darb and babycakes.
she is accepting of both my successes and kind-of-not-really-anywhere-near-successes.
mom- you've let me be one of your best friends and you've always been mine.
being an example of how to have christlike love.
she loves me, which makes all the difference in the world for eternity.
i know you've seen a version of this list before and i probably could have put a billion other reasons why, but i just wanted you and everyone who reads my blog to know----I LOVE YOU.